
Support for Youth Social Advancement

By supporting facilities and organizations that provide unemployed youth with the counseling services, education, and guidance they need to reintegrate into society, we actively work on problems that government administrative support alone has been unable to solve.

At NPO SAMURAIGAKUEN SCHOLA IMAGINE, we are implementing a program that reintegrates unemployed youth who are currently uninvolved in education, employment, or training (NEETs) into society(http://samugaku.com/).

Costs: Providing financial donations and meal ingredients
Details: Covering costs of school commuting, operation of accommodations, and dining hall facilities.

Implemented a NEET social reintegration program (Ueda School).

We provide education for elementary, junior high, and high school students through programs that suit each student’s individuality and nurture basic skills of living. (Tokyo, Okinawa schools)

CSR Efforts